The MCWC is a
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
The MCWC’s mission to educate, support and empower the community members of Mackinac County in order to improve, maintain, and optimize their overall health and well-being; and to foster a culture of vitality for all.
Meeting Information
Monthly MCWC meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
Board Members
Vice Chair: Mike Grisdale, Mackinac Straits Health System
Treasurer: Betsy Dayrell-Hart, Volunteer
Maria Sych, Mackinac Island Community Foundation
Tracie Abram, MSU-Extension 4-H
Meghann Wolvert, Volunteer
Sharon Crotser-Toy, St. Ignace Public Library
Member Agencies
In addition to the board member’s agencies listed to the left, active MCWC member agencies include:
Sault Tribe Advocacy Resource Center
Sault Tribe Community Health Education
St. Ignace Recreation Dept.
The EUP-ISD Great Start Readiness Program
Mackinac County Communities That Care
Community Volunteers